Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth – Why did they make it like this?

MINOR SPOILERS FOR REBIRTH.I'm only into 17 hours of the game (around chapter 6 I believe) and I'm sad to say that I'm somewhat burnt out already and after pushing myself to play it, I have lost the desire pretty much to keep going as there are so many decisions put into this game that... Continue Reading →

“Mods are No Different than Cheating”

Well, this is quite the take from Capcom in an unexpected way.But we have to remind ourselves that they are and always have been a business through and through. They have a few things to focus on like profits and reputation. They say that mods are classed as cheating to them, mods that are unofficial... Continue Reading →

Payday 3 – What Happened?

Towards the end of Payday 2's life it was all drumming up to be a great send off and introduction into the third entry. We had snippets and teasers of where the story is going to go, characters working behind the scenes and cool mechanics and maps that really showed the teams creativity and love... Continue Reading →

Police Logic in ‘Mine’

[SPOILERS FOR THE KOREAN DRAMA, MINE] I know that in trying to make stories work it's not always the simplest to have the plot be as easy as it should be. You have to take liberties, you have to break the rules of common sense from time to time and you have to put in... Continue Reading →

The Wrong Response To Criticism

Al Qaeda - World Trade Center Attacks - 2977 victims - Terrorism Tim McVeigh/Terry Nichols - Oklahoma City Bombing - 680+ victims - Terrorism Racist Extremists - Tulsa Race Massacre - 800+ victims - Terrorism People Critical of a Video Game - Saints Row (2022) - 0 victims - Terrorism It's always funny to see... Continue Reading →

Resident Evil [Netflix] Episode Six Review

EPISODE SIX - SOMEONE'S LITTLE GIRL Present:The directions from Jade and Billie's actors is really generic. Act cool, talk slow, smirk constantly. They're not that pleasant to watch because even though they've aged they both still seem like bickering, bitchy teenage sisters. Billie starts crying in some weird emotional scene but I don't get it,... Continue Reading →

Resident Evil [Netflix] Episode One Review

When you think of Resident Evil your mind immediately jumps to zombies, horror, secret and shady organizations and Raccoon City. It seems like a no brainer to focus your show on something that has over two decades worth of source material from games, comics, novels and even the writers themselves. But when you're Netflix and... Continue Reading →

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