Elden Ring – My Journey

This game has been out for almost two years now and I've made a few hours progress into it but the other day I decided that I wanted to keep track of my journey in the number of attempts I made on each boss and the amount of times I have died throughout it for... Continue Reading →

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Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth – Why did they make it like this?

MINOR SPOILERS FOR REBIRTH.I'm only into 17 hours of the game (around chapter 6 I believe) and I'm sad to say that I'm somewhat burnt out already and after pushing myself to play it, I have lost the desire pretty much to keep going as there are so many decisions put into this game that... Continue Reading →

Must be my Lucky Day?

I went into my local Game store today and by local I mean it's 30 minutes away and is a small section on the top level of a sports store. Looking around at the Christmas sales I picked up a few items, just a couple Star Wars figures for £5 each which was pretty cool.... Continue Reading →


This year at my job has unfortunately has just gotten worse and worse the more it went on and I thought that the only way it could end even worse was that if I lost my job. Low and behold, the stars aligned and that's exactly what happened. Due to the dwindling work I could... Continue Reading →

Missing a Friend

I've had something on my mind for a good long while now and no matter which way I look at it it's difficult to deal with. What do you do when you have someone that you care a lot about, in a close friends way, but it appears more and more that they don't seem... Continue Reading →

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